Decorative mirrors are a focal point in any cultured home which is why M.C. Weeks, Inc. prefers to sell Carvers’ Guild exquisite collection of beautiful mirrors. Made in the USA since 1970, Owners Carl and artist Carol Canner have created an internationally renowned company that encompasses old-world craftsmanship and exceptional design.
Today, Carvers’ Guild produces over four hundred remarkable mirrors, including the Carol Canner Collections and licensed reproductions for the Newport Society in Rhode Island and Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. In true “family spirit”, each Carvers’ Guild mirror is an heirloom to be cherished by generations to come.
Few products on the market today are as labor intensive as a Carvers’ Guild mirror. The casting department uses a hand-poured casting technique using wood, wire work, and resin to produce a three-dimensional reproduction that rival the originals. Finishers hand-laid fold leaf finishes involve 15 steps and take over two weeks to complete. The Versailles finish involves over 9 different painting steps in addition to fold leafing.